If you’ve had an ELL Newcomer in your class, you’ve seen it before, that look of bewilderment when this child is entering the “foreign world” of your classroom.
Andrish (not his real name) had that look often. I could only imagine what must be going through his head as he listened to the “bwa- bwadity-bwa bwa” of language around him that he didn’t understand, and I would sympathize with him when he put his head down in exhaustion from trying to cope.

I thought I was doing a lot of great things for him. I found computer programs to teach him the fundamentals of phonics, helped him select very simple picture books from the library, and had given him a picture dictionary as well as a bilingual dictionary.
But it wasn’t enough, I often saw a look of pain on his face. Presumably the pain of missing all of what he left behind in his other country, missing his family, friends, and most of all missing CONNECTION to people.
The Perfect Tool to Get My ELL Newcomer Speaking!
But then one day I spoke to him also using my typical hand gestures to take out his “book” I had selected from the library so he could study the pictures as the rest of the class went on to something beyond him. But today he took out a different book.
He held it carefully and almost caressed the picture pages. The book was a memory book, apparently given to him by the friends he left behind. This treasure carried memories of every part of his former life! I tried to ask him about the pictures, and he struggled to find a few words, yet he was thrilled to have my interest in this “life” of his.
So I asked him to use his dictionary to write a few words for each page in his book. He eagerly took on this task. Later I had him tell me about each page, I helped him with the simple phrases he was using and assigned him to practice for a big day in our classroom.
The Big Day
After some practice came the big day. We don’t typically have “show and tell” in third grade anymore but we made an exception for Andrish. I have a big comfy chair that I read to the class from, but today Andrish sat next to me. I introduced his book to the class and told them he wanted to share it with the class.
They were stunned because as far as they knew, he spoke zero English. He opened the book and in a strange mix of nervousness and eagerness, shared about the precious photos, using the single words or phrases he had been practicing. The class was eager to learn about his pictures of his home and school which looked very different from what they were used to. And then I saw it…. A connection happening. My students were beginning to feel connected to him as they learned about his world!
My Newcomer Started Speaking!
That day at recess was also a first. Although in the past I had encouraged my very friendly students to try to include Andrish in their play, he would try for a minute and then choose to sit out. Today was different.
The connection was happening organically, he was in the very center of the activity on the playground, and for the first time since he joined our class, a smile was beaming across his face! This was the beginning of rapid growth in his ability to communicate!
For more insights into your ELL Newcomer see “What Your ELL Newcomer Wishes You Knew”
More Tools to Get Them Communicating!
It is so tricky to know how to prepare for a surprise newcomer! Let me help you with a free step-by-step guide. “How to Prepare for an ELL Newcomer”
Or maybe you need low-cost emergency resources to give them meaningful yet somewhat independent work while they are transitioning.
ELL Newcomer Bundle of Activities or if you need a version for older kids or adults ELL Newcomer Bundle of Activities for Older Students
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